Freitag, 3. Februar 2012

Jean Loup Sieff

,, Das Gesicht ist zu einer scheinheiligen Maske geworden, die ausdrückt , was man will, die lachen kann, wenn man traurig ist, die interessiert wirkt, wenn man vor Langeweile stirbt, die versteinert, obwohl man vor Leidenschaft kocht." ( Jean Loup Sieff)

´The face became a hypocritical mask, which enunciates what you want, which can laugh when you´re sad, which seems to be interested while you´re dieing of boredom, which petrifies even though you´re boiling with passion.` (translated freely by me)


Jean Loup Sieff war ein französischer Fotograf, der durch Porträts von Stars wie zB. Alfred Hitchcock, Jane Fonda und Catherine Deneuve, aber auch durch seine atemberaubenden Fotos unbekannter Menschen bekannt wurde. 
Ich persönlich finde vor allem seine Aktaufnahmen und Porträts absolut einnehmend und beeindruckend. Ich mag es, wie er Licht und Schatten einsetzt, um die Formen und Rundungen des nackten Körpers damit zu schmücken. Seine Bilder wirken dabei so ungestellt, ausdrucksstark, schmeichelnd, glamourös und obwohl es nackte Körper sind, keineswegs anzüglich.

Jean Loup Sieff was a french photographer, who gained fame through pictures of stars like Alfred Hitchcock, Jane Fonda and Catherine Deneuve, as well as through his breathtaking photographies of unknown people.
I personally adore is nude photography and his black and white portraits. The way he uses light and shadows to robe the shapes and curves of the naked bodies is simply beautiful.
Thereby his photographs appear highly expressive, flattering, glamorous and although they show naked bodies, they do not seem insinuating at all.

Music: Deftones-Sextape

The Drums-Portamento

The CD I listen to the most at the moment is definitely The Drums-Portamento.
I have always loved their music, but ever since I have been able to see them live in concert last year in cologne, I adore them even more. I know that a lot of people are critizising this second album, saying that there is no development compared to the first, but honestly-I don´t care at all. I think they are a great band whatsoever.

LeatherJackets-My all time Favourites

I have something to admit.
I´m ´slightly` addicted to leather jackets.
That´s it, no shame, it is what it is=) I just can´t have enough of them and  I´m wearing them all the time.
I like the droplet of rock they add to every outfit. I love combining them with short dresses and leather booties as well as with skinny jeans and t-shirts.
That´s why they are by far the most important must-haves for me =)

Mein ständiger Begleiter- die Lederjacke.
In verschiedenen Farben, Formen und Beschaffenheiten, ist sie seit Jahren immer der wichtigste Bestandteil meiner Garderobe. Ich bekomme den Hals einfach nicht voll von Ihnen.
Ob kombiniert mit kurzen Kleidern und Booties oder mit Skinny Jeans und einem einfachen T-shirt. Ich finde eine schöne hochwertige Lederjacke macht aus jedem noch so einfachen Outfit ein cooles, leicht verruchtes und einfach "fertigeres" Outfit.

(leatherjackets by muubaa  /

Music: Gotye-The only thing I know

Montag, 23. Januar 2012

Every day...

It is 6 a.m. It is monday. A new day, a new week in the still new year.
I wanted everything to be different. I wanted it to change and even more I wanted to change myself.
But even if the calendar´s date changed, everything still remains the same.
I wake up every morning feeling numb, having a lump in my throat. Just wanting to stay in bed, snuggle with my pillow and immerse in a world of dreams, where everything seems to be better, to be easier.
But anyhow I have to get up, get ready, put on my happy face and pretend.
Pretend that everything is fine, that I feel good and that I have everything under control.
Pretend to be someone I´m not. Smiling while I really want to cry. Talking about senseless things while I want to scream out that I feel like crap.
I really wish it wouldn´t have to be like this. I wish I could just pull myself together, be grateful for what I have and live the life that was given to me.

I mean, maybe I could actually be the person I pretend to be, the person I long for to be.
If I would just stop complaining and stop feeling sorry for myself?
Maybe this is the time to fight the battle of whether I will go on vegetate in the restrictions I imposed upon myself or if I will finally start living the life that I crave for so much.
Maybe...but at least I will not stop trying every day, every week, every year.

Musik: Oh Land-Release me